Natural Pain Relief.
No surgery, no pills.
Just results!
Get back to doing what you love!

Evidence-Based Chiropractic care
As one of Huntington Beach's most prominent resources for quality, drug-free healthcare, Surf City Natural Healings specializes in a wide range of medical services to get patients feeling healthier than ever before. And while we work hard to offer top-of-the-line treatments that help you feel better and get better, we also focus on preventative strategies to ensure you stay better for longer.
Treatment Involves
We combine deep tissue massage with hands on spinal adjustments for dramatic results in improving spinal structure and nerve function. When appropriate, the doctors will also address nutritional needs, rehab exercises & stretches, postural training, stress management and a myriad of other tools. We place a strong emphasis on patient education and empowerment for self-help toward the achievement of true wellness.
Comprehensive New Patient Evaluations include a History, Full Examination, Massage bed and Adjustment. (Should referral for x-rays or other diagnostic purposes be necessary, spinal adjustment may not be rendered on initial visit. X-rays are not required for all patients. )
Contact Us
Office Hours
Walk on in!
Monday - 3PM-7PM
Tuesday / Thursday - 10AM-12PM, 3-7PM
Wednesday & Friday - 8AM-12PM
Saturdays - By appointment